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8 ways to secure and keep your wordpress blog site way from hackers

Do you have a wordpress blog? You blog may be a victim of hack. There has been increasing cases of hacking of wordpress blogs quit recently which have been making prominent headlines on the media.

I have personally been a victim of hack and do know what the consequences are before I understood what I was not doing right.

Aside hacking your wordpress blog, your identities including affiliate program referral ID's could also be changed by these intruders. This tutorial will give you a step by step guide on how to secure and prevent hackers into your wordpress blog.

There are strategies and plugins that will help you to achieve this:
Your Login Must Be Encrypted with Chap Secure Plugin

Truth is that login details on wordpress are not encrypted at sign in and hackers could just take advantage of this. Your password is sent unencrypted whenever you login, especially when you use public network.

Some of them also uses software to get these credentials. You can a use Chap Secure Login plugin to achieve this encryption. It get a random password and deceive their standard without you compromising your password.

Try Using a Strong Password with strong strength

There are possibilities that some hackers can still undo your password encryption. It is therefore important that you add extra security by using a strong and complex password. This must come with combination of words, characters and others.

Change login name from "Admin" to something else

Most people who owns wordpress blogs uses a common user name which is admin. You will need to change this as hackers use this login name by default.

To do this, log into your dashboard, locate users link, create a new user, and assign the role of an Administrator to that user. Once you have successfully created that, log out of your dashboard and login with the new user. Locate users again, to your right on user list, locate the admin user and click on delete. As you are taken to the deletion confirmation, select “Attribute all posts and links to:” and select finally your new username from the drop down bar. All content from your post by the Admin will now be transferred to the new user account.

Always Upgrade your Wordpress Plugins to the latest one:

Wordpress group knows there are bugs and they also face the challenge of hackers. This is why they keep researching, upgrading and adding new things. You also need to update and upgrade your plugins to go along with them.

Always Backup your WordPress database

Do not be caught unawares. I have been there and do know what it is to loose your content. You must ask your hosting provider if they provide backups of your content. Also there are a lots of plugins that can also help you to do this.

Do not keep your wordpress version information to the public

Hackers are always on the lookout for lead. You therefore must guide your information to have enough ground for attack. Some WordPress sites/themes include the WordPress version info in the meta tag. Once they get hold of this section, they can undo you. To achieve this, install the WP-Security Scan plugin

Protect your wp-admin folder

This is where all information relating to your site is and anyone can take advantage of it. All you need to do to bring extra security is to install password-protect, a plugin that will password protect your wp-admin directory. To achieve this, you need to install AskApache Password Protect

Use anti Brute Force attack:

These hackers are always looking for loopholes and do not give it to them. They can also crack your password using brute force or attack. You will therefore need to install login lockdown plugin to record the ip and timestamp of every failed attemtp to hack your site. Once it is detected, the plugin will disable login function attempt from that range of ip.

Want to get all the plugins in one place and use them, go to 101 free wordpress plugins

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Unknown said...

this is helpful for wordpress blog what about blogger blog any help for us so we can have our content safe and secured?

Atunnise said...

Master, this is a timely information worthy of million dollars. thanks so much God bless you real good.

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